Why Anthropology?
Become an expert in human connections
Your anthropology studies will prepare you for working in an intersectional world. Not only will you hone your analysis, critical thinking, and communication skills— you’ll also hone your ability to understand humanity and all of its complexity (including the impact of cultural dynamics on interpersonal communication and the social structures that affect our lives).
Help others benefit from your expertise
You might forge a career as a teacher, a recruiter, a manager, an archaeologist, a documentary film consultant, a laboratory technician, or an intercultural communications expert. No matter what profession you pursue, you will be helping people. Many organizations deeply appreciate (and actively seek) those with anthropology degrees because of the valuable skills that come with studying humanity.
Be ready for what’s next
If you choose grad school, you will be an excellent candidate for programs in anthropology, business, law, journalism, medicine, social work, urban planning and any other realm that calls for working with people.
Anthropology Major
The major requirements for the B.A. and B.S. degrees in Anthropology are as follows:
- Lower-division requirements (four courses [at least 16 units])
- ANTH 001, ANTH 001H, or ANTH 001W, ANTH 002, ANTH 005, and ANTH 007 or ANTH 007S with a grade of C- or better in each
- ANTH 001, ANTH 001H, or ANTH 001W, ANTH 002, ANTH 005, and ANTH 007 or ANTH 007S with a grade of C- or better in each
- Upper-division requirements
- One theoretical/history course ANTH 100 or ANTH 100W.
- One methods course; ANTH 165E, ANTH 165F, ANTH 165G, or ANTH 165I
- One regional course; ANTH 115E-Z or ANTH 140E-Z
- At least 6 courses (24 units) in one area of concentration:
- Four field approach to anthropology
- At least one upper-division course in each of the subdisciplines of anthropology:
(a) Archaeology
(b) Biological anthropology
(c) Cultural and social anthropology
(d) Linguistic anthropology - Two courses (at least 8 units) of upper-division Anthropology for the B.A.; three courses (at least 12 units) for the B.S.
- At least one upper-division course in each of the subdisciplines of anthropology:
- Medical Anthropology
- At least two upper-division courses in two different subdisciplines of anthropology:
(a) Archaeology
(b) Biological anthropology
(c) Cultural and social anthropology
(d) Linguistic anthropology - At least four upper-division courses for a B.A. with a concentration in Medical Anthropology (at least 16 units); five courses (at least 20 units) for the B.S. selected from the following:
(a) ANTH 144 E-Z courses
(b) GSST 171
- At least two upper-division courses in two different subdisciplines of anthropology:
- Black and Black Diaspora Studies
- At least two upper-division courses in two different subdisciplines of anthropology:
(a) Archaeology
(b) Biological anthropology
(c) Cultural and Social anthropology
(d) Linguistic anthropology - At least four upper-division courses in Black and Black Diaspora Studies (at least 16 units); for a B.A. with a concentration in Black and Black Diaspora Studies (at least 16 units); five courses (at least 20 units) for the B.S. selected from the following:
(a) ANTH 142 E-Z courses
(b) ANTH 144F, ANTH 144I, ANTH 144K, ANTH 144O
- At least two upper-division courses in two different subdisciplines of anthropology:
- Four field approach to anthropology
The title of the Anthropology major will be entered on the official degree list and on the official transcript. Diplomas will read “Anthropology” with the individual field of concentration specified where appropriate (Medical Anthropology or Black and Black Diaspora Studies).
Note: Students are strongly urged to take the lower-division requirements in the first two years of university study. Students intending to major in anthropology should work closely with a faculty advisor in planning their programs.
Anthropology/Law and Society Major
The Law and Society major is open to undergraduate students with junior standing who have completed LWSO 100 with a grade of “C” or higher. The major requirements for the B.A. degree in Anthropology/Law and Society are as follows:
- Anthropology requirements
All requirements for the B.A. in Anthropology. See Anthropology Major above for specific requirements.
- Law and Society requirements (36 units)
- PHIL 007 or PHIL 007H
- LWSO 100 (with a grade of “C” or better)
- One course chosen from POSC 114, PSYC 012, SOC 004 (or equivalent course in research methods)
- Three courses chosen from ANTH 127, ECON 119, HISE 153, PHIL 165, POSC 167, PSYC 175, SOC 159
- Two courses chosen from ENSC 174, HISA 120A, HISA 120B, HISE 123, LWSO 175 (E-Z), PHIL 164, POSC 111, POSC 166, POSC 168, POSC 186, SOC 147, SOC 149, SOC 180
- LWSO 193, Senior Seminar | 111
Note: For sections 2.d) and 2.e) combined, not more than two courses may be taken from the same department. In filling the dual requirements of the major, students may not count more than two courses toward both parts of their total requirements (Anthropology requirements and Law and Society requirements).