Education Abroad
Education Abroad for Anthropology Majors
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of opportunities through UCR and affiliate institutions to learn abroad. Education abroad can provide you with learning opportunities beyond the classroom, including anthropological field research, nongovernmental organization volunteering, and museum internships. Language and cultural immersion through learning abroad is a great way to gain transformative, international experience and skills that will greatly enhance your employability and deepen your training in anthropology. We are eager to assist you in discovering the program that best fits your educational and personal needs and to direct you to the multiple financial aid resources available that will make your education abroad experience an affordable investment.
Why should I participate in education abroad?
Students who take courses abroad tend to get better grades, graduate faster, and are more likely to find employment after they graduate because employers value experience abroad.
If you are considering a career in anthropology, education abroad is of special importance. In order to gain an understanding of the complexity and diversity of humans across space and time, aspiring anthropologists have to get beyond the classroom and out into the world. When you learn abroad, you will not only come away with a broadened cultural perspective, you will also gain practical skills in anthropological methods.
You will broaden your worldview, increase your proficiency in another language, improve your critical thinking, develop self-confidence and independence, and expand your personal and professional network on an international scale.
For all of these reasons, we strongly encourage you to learn abroad. Why not get out of your comfort zone, and explore how people live in other world regions?
Where do I start?
A number of programs that are particularly strong in anthropological research are highlighted here; however, it is important that you choose an education abroad program that engages your interests.
If you don’t find what you are looking for on this site, you can check the UCR Education Abroad Office and/or the MyUCR Abroad portal to find a program that fits your individual needs.
You can also search courses that other UC students have taken, to get an idea of past course offerings in anthropology.
UCEAP partners with over 40 countries that offer courses in anthropology, so you are sure to find the perfect program!
Begin by identifying your goals for learning abroad. Next, review the resources and anthropology programs highlighted here to find the appropriate one that fits your needs.
Before enrolling in any education abroad program first schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
START PLANNING EARLY. Processing the required paperwork for your education abroad opportunity can take anywhere from six to 12 weeks. However, UCR has a multitude of resources and staff eager to assist you in making your education abroad opportunity a reality!
Any remaining questions you may have can most likely be answered through the UCR Education Abroad Office. To talk to a person, you can stop by the Education Abroad office in Skye Hall 339, or call (951) 827-2508, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.
When should I go?
Anthropology majors who learn abroad typically go in their third or fourth year.
See sample two- and four-year degree timelines that integrate education abroad.
How will I pay for it?
The cost of education abroad can be close to the cost of learning on campus. Your financial aid can be directed towards program costs. If you do not already receive UC financial aid, you may qualify for aid while on UCEAP.
See UCR resources for financing your education abroad
The Department of Anthropology also has undergraduate research scholarships that may be used to finance an education abroad. Learn more.
Where should I go?
You have many options and we are here to help you find the program that best fits your educational and personal goals (and help you find ways to pay for it)! Explore your options:
UCR Faculty-led EAP (FLEAP)
- Short-term summer FLEAP programs give you eight pre-approved UC credits.
- Locations and courses vary each year.
- The Office of Undergraduate Education provides scholarships exclusively for UCR students participating in a UCR FLEAP. Awards range from $250 to $2500, and are based on financial need and/or merit. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, see details here.
- Many UCR anthropology professors, with regional expertise, offer FLEAP programs that provide you with unique opportunities to explore diverse regions of the world through engaging courses. FLEAP opportunities in anthropology change from year to year - see the link below for current details.
UC Education Abroad Programs (UCEAP)
- Earn UC credit while learning abroad with UCEAP.
- Choose from quarter-, semester-, and year-long programs in more than 40 countries that offer courses in anthropology
- The cost of education abroad can be close to the cost of learning on campus.
- Your financial aid can be directed towards program costs. If you do not already receive UC financial aid, you may qualify for aid while on UCEAP.
See our recommended UCEAP experiences.
See UCEAP previously credited courses for anthropology majors across UC campuses.
Opportunities Abroad Programs (OAP)
- Other UC and non-UC programs in which you do not automatically earn UC credit are referred to as OAP. However, there is a formal process at UCR for preapproving OAP courses, securing transfer credits, and directing student financial aid to program costs.
- OAP opportunities can be all varieties of lengths, be it quarter long, year-long, or summer-long programs.
- OAP also allows you to intern, teach, and volunteer abroad.
See our recommended (OAP) experiences.
From Our Students
“It is an experience that breaks your comfort zone and somehow provides a unique insight into the person you are, but more importantly, it is an experience that engages you with the world like no other. Aside from experience, you build connections with your fellow travelers, TAs, and professors. These connections have led me to pursue my archaeological interests in graduate studies…”
— Ashley Magana
“I made the best group of friends who inspired me with their intellect and passion for equality and drive to create a better world to live in…”
— Richard Guzman
“This trip greatly expanded my perspective of Vietnam; having been born in the U.S. from parents that fled, due to the Vietnam War, my knowledge of my own culture was very limited and biased. The program was able to give me a sense of enlightenment while also reinforcing my sense of Vietnamese patriotism and pride.”
— Nancy Nguyen
To read more from anthropology students who participated in education abroad, read our Education Abroad Stories brochure.